Shame Free:
How to Remove the Cloak of Shame
Book 2 of the Battle Over the Anointing Series
Humankind’s fall into shame does not have to remain.
Understanding how one’s identity has been hijacked through episodes of shame
Show you how Satan was able to legally cover us in shame and how he is not illegal in the lives of believers.
You don’t have to live with shame.
You can be free to accept your worth.
You can embrace the identity God has within you.
You are enabled to walk in the anointing that is resident within you as a born-again believer.
You will realize the simplicity of removing Satan’s cloak of shame.
You can walk Unashamed!
Book 2 of the Battle Over the Anointing Series
Tormenting sadness is not of God. We cannot allow lasting sorrow to continue in our lives.
This book brings a new understanding to what is commonly referred to as grief.
Grief is: when the power of Satan seems greater than the power of God.
Grief is different than grieving. Grieving is needful for healing and closure.
Satan uses grief to instigate anger at God, at one’s self or at others.
Satan’s plan is to hinder, alter or halt the anointing in the lives of believers.
Identifying the Hierarchy of Satan:
A Handbook for Wrestling to Win!
A Handbook to help you prevail in spiritual warfare.
Learn the difference between fallen angels and demons.
Find out who principalities, power (or authorities), rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places are. Who they are and how they operate.
Learn the value of learning to wrestle spiritual opponents successfully.
Learn the power of the authority believers have.
Learn how to pray effectively in your spiritual battles.